Hands4Health: Mali, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Palestine
Gravit'eau water-recycling handwashing station, used in a health care facility in Mali (2022).
Gravit'eau water-recycling handwashing station, used in a health care facility in Mali (2022).
Gravit'eau water-recycling handwashing station, used in a health care facility in Mali (2022).
Emergency contexts in Borno, Nigeria, Boucle du Mouhoun Region in Burkina Faso, Ségou Region in Mali and Gaza and West Bank in Occupied Palestinian Territories
Project objectives
To develop a systematic approach for hand hygiene, water and sanitation combining innovative technologies and social sciences
To develop and test a systematic behaviour change approach for handwashing in institutions
To conduct a health impact evaluation and collect evidence for enabling optimization and scale-up
Strong partnerships in countries and internationally
Project description
Gravit`eau handwashing systems recycling water is one the interventions being evaluated in this project. The overall project focus in on improving access to handwashing, water and sanitation in primary health care facilities and schools not connected to functional water supply system. The goal is to integrate novel and existing low-cost and resource-efficient WASH interventions from the fields of engineering, behaviour and health psychology, gender and inclusion, design, health, information and communication technologies and knowledge management into a practical user-friendly approach. The approach addresses all stages of implementation from an assessment of the situation to novel successful low-cost interventions for infrastructure improvement, behaviour change and facility management. In addition, the approach will incorporate data management and monitoring in order to facilitate a rigorous assessment of the impacts on health determinants and health outcomes
Results / Outcomes
Project has started recently.
Handwashing Systems
80 handwashing systems in four countries, in primary health care facilities and schools
Partners /
Donors /
Partners: FHNW, Terre des hommes, Cesvi, MSF, Swiss TPH, EPFL, Martin Systems, RANAS, Skat Foundation, Palestinian Polytechnic University, University of Maiduguri
Donors: SDC Transform Grant
Duration: 2021 - 2024