Household and community water filters
Our on-site drinking water treatment systems purify surface, ground or rain water from pathogenic bacteria, viruses and protozoa providing at least 99.999% removal. The systems are modular and can be used at different scales, including household water filters or small community water supply systems. They can be used to remove particles and pathogenic parasites, bacteria and viruses from polluted and turbid surface and groundwaters. The filters can be used as a stand-alone one-step treatment or in combination with other technologies such as solar disinfection, UV disinfection, or chlorination.
Advantages of the Gravit'eau drinking water treatment, based on the principle of gravity-driven membrane filtration (GDM)
Safe: 99.999% removal of particles and pathogenic parasites, bacteria and viruses from polluted and turbid surface and groundwaters
Maintenance free: The membrane does not require any backflushing or cleaning. Operation and maintenance are limited to monthly draining of the water tanks.
Gravity-driven: Operated by gravity using a water head of only 10 cm for household systems and 20-50 cm for community systems
Also for turbid water: Can treat water with a turbidity of up to 300 NTU without clogging
Innovative: Uses an innovative, multistage biological gravity-driven membrane filtration system.
Local production: Can be produced using locally available materials in local workshops using only a compact and light hardware kit delivered from Europe
Adaptable treatment: Can be combined with post-chlorination to assure residual protection
Scalable: From household to community
Household water filter
Treats 2-5 L water /hour
Storage tank: 15 -25L
Minimal water head: 10 cm
Community System
Treats 2-6 m3 water / day
Storage tank: 4-6m3
Minimal water head: 50 cm
How do the Gravit'eau drinking water systems work?
The technology uses ultrafiltration membranes with a pore size of 20-40 nm and the gravity pressure of water to operate filters. Contrary to conventional membrane filtration systems a biofilm forms on the membranes. The flow through the membrane reduces, but the filters do not clog, due to pores and cavities forming in the biofilm. Therefore, the filters do not require back- flushing or cleaning and can be operated with very little maintenance. The filters remove Protozoa, Bacteria and Viruses and capable of treating highly turbid water.