Scale Up: Mali, Burkina Faso, Nigeria

Participants are learning how to build a Gravit'eau water-recycling handwashing station at a workshop in Burkina Faso.

Gravit'eau water-recycling handwashing station, produced in Burkina Faso.

Gravit'eau water-recycling handwashing station, produced in Burkina Faso.

Participants are learning how to build a Gravit'eau water-recycling handwashing station at a workshop in Burkina Faso.
Emergency contexts in Borno, Nigeria, Boucle du Mouhoun Region in Burkina Faso, Ségou Region in Mali
Project objectives
Better understanding demand for sustainable, innovative practical solutions supported by tailored behaviour change interventions
Better understand the relationship between water scarcity and demand for recycled water
Establish production and implementation of the handwashing systems in five countries
Develop and implement scale-up strategy for the Gravit`eau Association
Developing a clear understanding of the absolute and relative demand for Gravit’eau systems, consulting, and licensing/membership fees
Develop an online platform to manage knowledge and increase visibility
Project description
The project activities cover five different areas:
Further development of the design for local production covering needs of different user groups diversifying the design options and considering the needs of users and implementers
Establishing quality control in local production
Organisational development of the Gravit`eau exploring business model to diversify revenues through consultancy, licensing, membership fees, and on a long term – selling systems for profit
Establishing monitoring concepts using LoRaWAN data transmission systems and low cost sensors to monitor water levels in tanks
Setting up homepage, developing communication materials
Results / Outcomes
Project has started recently. We expect to reach 100`000 people daily in five countries in 5 years with locally produced systems
Handwashing Systems
70 handwashing systems in primary health care facilities, schools, detention centers, chield friendly spaces.
Partners /
Donors /
Partners: Terre des hommes, FHNW, RANAS, Skat Foundation
Donors: Humanitarian Innovation Fund HIF ELRHA, FCDO
Duration: 2021 - 2023